Jude The Tourist

[PHILIPPINES] Best Lake Holon South Cotabato Travel Guide

Lake Holon South Cotabato

Lake Holon is a one of the best Mindanao Tourist Spot you would want to visit. It’s a lake located in the province of South Cotabato, in the southern region of the Philippines. It is located within the boundaries of the Mt. Parker National Park, and is a popular destination for hikers and nature enthusiasts. The lake is surrounded by lush, verdant forests and is home to a variety of plant and animal species. It is known for its crystal clear waters, which are said to have therapeutic properties. There are several trails that lead to the lake, and it is a popular spot for camping, swimming, and picnicking.

lake holon south cotabato travel guide
Lake Holon South Cotabato – Jude The Tourist

How to get to Lake Holon South Cotabato:

To get to Lake Holon in South Cotabato, you can follow these steps:

Fly to the nearest airport: The nearest airport to Lake Holon is the General Santos International Airport, which is located in General Santos City, South Cotabato. You can fly to General Santos City from Manila or Cebu, or from other major cities in the Philippines.

Take a bus or hire a car: From the airport, you can take a bus or hire a car to get to Lake Holon. The journey from the airport to the lake takes about 4 hours by car, or 5 hours by bus.

Follow the directions: To get to Lake Holon, you can follow the directions provided by your GPS or map. You will need to take the Tampakan-Columbio Road, which leads to the lake.

Check in at the visitor center: When you arrive at Lake Holon, you will need to check in at the visitor center, where you can register and pay the entrance fee.


Hike to the lake: From the visitor center, you can take a hike to the lake, which takes about 2 hours. The trail is relatively easy and is suitable for people of all fitness levels.

Enjoy the lake: Once you reach the lake, you can enjoy the beautiful surroundings and the crystal clear waters. There are several areas where you can camp, swim, or have a picnic.

Things to do in Lake Holon South Cotabato:

There are several activities that you can do when visiting Lake Holon in South Cotabato:

Lake Holon South Cotabato – Jude The Tourist

Hiking: Lake Holon is a popular destination for hikers, with several trails that lead to the lake. The hike to the lake takes about 2 hours and is suitable for people of all fitness levels. Along the way, you can enjoy the beautiful scenery and observe the local flora and fauna.

Swimming Lake Holon South Cotabato - Jude The Tourist
Lake Holon South Cotabato – Jude The Tourist

Swimming: The waters of Lake Holon are crystal clear and are said to have therapeutic properties. You can swim in the lake or just relax by the water’s edge.

Lake Holon South Cotabato - Jude The Tourist
Lake Holon South Cotabato – Jude The Tourist

Camping: There are several areas around the lake where you can set up your tent and spend the night. You can also bring your own camping gear or rent it at the visitor center.


Lake Holon South Cotabato - Jude The Tourist
Lake Holon South Cotabato – Jude The Tourist

Picnicking: You can bring your own food and have a picnic by the lake. There are several areas with tables and benches where you can sit and enjoy your meal.

Lake Holon South Cotabato - Jude The Tourist
Lake Holon South Cotabato – Jude The Tourist

Birdwatching: The area around Lake Holon is home to a variety of bird species, including the Philippine Eagle and the Philippine Duck. If you’re a birdwatcher, you’ll have the chance to observe these and other species during your visit.

Photography Lake Holon South Cotabato - Jude The Tourist
Lake Holon South Cotabato – Jude The Tourist

Photography: The beautiful surroundings of Lake Holon make it a great place for photography. You can take photos of the lake, the forests, and the local flora and fauna.

Lake Holon South Cotabato - Jude The Tourist
Lake Holon South Cotabato – Jude The Tourist

Relaxation: If you just want to relax and get away from the hustle and bustle of city life, Lake Holon is a perfect place to do so. You can sit by the water’s edge and enjoy the peace and tranquility of the area.


Lake Holon Travel Requirements

To visit Lake Holon in South Cotabato, you will need to meet the following travel requirements:

Lake Holon South Cotabato - Jude The Tourist
Lake Holon South Cotabato – Jude The Tourist

Valid passport: To enter the Philippines, you will need to have a valid passport with at least 6 months’ validity remaining. You will also need to have a visa if you are a citizen of a country that requires one to visit the Philippines.

Travel insurance: It is recommended that you purchase travel insurance before your trip to Lake Holon. This will cover you in case of any emergencies or unforeseen circumstances during your visit.

Money: You will need to have sufficient funds to cover your expenses during your trip, including transportation, accommodation, food, and activities. It is a good idea to bring a mix of cash and credit or debit cards.

Clothing: It is recommended that you bring lightweight, breathable clothing for your visit to Lake Holon, as the weather can be quite hot and humid. You should also bring a raincoat or umbrella, as the area is prone to sudden showers.

Hiking gear: If you plan to hike to Lake Holon, you will need to bring appropriate gear, such as comfortable shoes, a hat, and sunscreen. You should also bring a water bottle and snacks to keep you hydrated and nourished during the hike.


Travel documents: It is important to bring all necessary travel documents with you, including your passport, visas, and any other required documents. You should also bring a copy of your travel itinerary and contact information for your accommodation and any other relevant parties.

Lake Holon Adventure Preparations

Here are some things that you should bring when hiking to Lake Holon in South Cotabato:

Lake Holon South Cotabato - Jude The Tourist
Lake Holon South Cotabato – Jude The Tourist

Comfortable shoes: Make sure to wear comfortable shoes that are suitable for hiking. Avoid wearing sandals or flip flops, as they will not provide enough support for your feet.

Hat and sunscreen: The weather in Lake Holon can be quite hot and humid, so it is important to protect your skin from the sun. Bring a hat and sunscreen to protect your head and skin from the sun’s rays.

Water bottle: It is important to stay hydrated during the hike, so make sure to bring a water bottle with you. You can refill it at the visitor center or at one of the water sources along the trail.

Snacks: Bring some snacks to keep you nourished during the hike. You can bring energy bars, nuts, or other small, lightweight snacks.


Raincoat or umbrella: The area around Lake Holon is prone to sudden showers, so it is a good idea to bring a raincoat or umbrella in case it rains.

Warm clothing: The weather can be quite cool at the top of the mountain, so you should bring some warm clothing, such as a sweater or jacket, to wear when you reach the lake.

Camera: You will have the opportunity to take some beautiful photos during your hike to Lake Holon, so make sure to bring a camera or smartphone with you.

First aid kit: It is always a good idea to bring a small first aid kit with you on any hike, in case of any minor injuries or emergencies.

Trash bags: Please help keep Lake Holon clean by bringing some trash bags with you and disposing of your trash properly.

Reasons to Visit Lake Holon South Cotabato

There are several reasons why you should visit Lake Holon in South Cotabato:

Lake Holon South Cotabato

Natural beauty: Lake Holon is surrounded by lush, verdant forests and is known for its crystal clear waters. The area is home to a variety of plant and animal species, making it a great destination for nature enthusiasts.

Recreational activities: There are several activities that you can enjoy during your visit to Lake Holon, including hiking, swimming, camping, picnicking, and birdwatching.

Relaxation: If you’re looking to get away from the hustle and bustle of city life, Lake Holon is a great place to relax and unwind. The peaceful surroundings and beautiful scenery provide a perfect backdrop for relaxation.

Cultural experiences: Lake Holon is located in the heart of the T’boli region, home to the T’boli people, one of the indigenous groups in the Philippines. During your visit, you will have the opportunity to learn about their culture and way of life.


Adventure: The hike to Lake Holon is an adventure in itself, with stunning views and the chance to observe the local flora and fauna. The lake is also a great place for camping and other outdoor activities.

Health benefits: The crystal clear waters of Lake Holon are said to have therapeutic properties, making it a great place to visit if you’re looking to improve your physical and mental health.

Lake Holon History for Tourists

Holon, a T’boli term that means “Deepwater”, is sanctified because it was a stronghold protecting the beauty of the lake. The lake is guarded by the 15 Holon guardians, which are represented by the surrounding mountains. These great mountains created a caldera measuring 2.9 Kilometres wide and with steep walls rising 200-500m above lake level.

On the map, you might see it is called Lake Maughan. It is located on Mt. Melibengoy, also known as Mt. Parker. Frank Parker and Russell Maughan were the names of the previous names for the mountain and lake. Both are Military Officers in America. The flight accident that led to their mapping of the area in 1930 gave rise to this name.

Detailed information on How to get to Lake Holon:

Mt. Melibengoy (or Mt. Parker) and Lake Holon, its crater lake, are two of the most important drivers of tourism in the region. Both are sacred to the Tboli tribe. Tourists and locals alike feel reverence for Lake Holon at the 1,430 MASL summit.

Mt. The hike up to Melibengoy itself is a sensory experience. You will be greeted by nature on your climb, with a wide variety of orange- and pink-colored flowers, as well as plants bearing coffee cherries.


After two hours of climbing, Lake Holon welcomes you at its top. This is the true meaning of the expression: Good things come to those who wait.

Some tourists choose to return to the top, while others continue their journey to the campsite at the lake. Here you can enjoy a delicious dinner of freshly caught tilapia as well as a quiet night under the stars.

Visitors have come to the Philippines to discover a different side, to heal from a broken heart, or even to propose marriage. No matter what your purpose, a visit here will allow you to find at least one of the things that we live for: beauty and identity, love.

How to get to Mt. Melibengoy & Lake Holon:

  • From General Santos City, drive 1 hour and 30 minutes to T’Boli.
  • Register at the T’Boli Tourism Office (entrance fee P100/person; environment fee P50/person).
  • A habal-habal is a taxi ride that takes you from T’Boli to the Salacafe and Kule trailheads. It costs P700 roundtrip.
  • Two hours hiking with a local guide to the Mt. Melibengoy summit to view Lake Holon (P450-P600/guide for groups up to 10).
  • Staying overnight? Then hike 1.5 hours to Lake Holon campsite. Other fees: tent, P100, boat ride, P50, porter, P20/kilo/way.

What are you waiting For? Lake Holon is your new Adventure!

Lake Holon has a lot to offer. There will always be something to do in Lake Holon South Cotabato. If you are looking for something different to add to your itinerary, make sure you check this tourist attraction in Mindanao Let us know if you found this blog post helpful. We welcome any feedback so that we can continue to create valuable content for our readers.



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